Movies and Film

  • animals,  General geekiness,  Movies and Film

    Should I watch this Shark movie?

    If you know me, you know I love sharks. One of my favorite things about summer – almost every year there seems to be at least one good shark movie. This year’s movie, Meg, looks particularly exciting. Every scientific fact I know says the premise could never be. Still – I kind of hope we find that Megalodon exists somewhere. I know that we don’t really want it circling our beaches. Even though sharks don’t actually like eating humans, they sometimes get confused. No if  Megalodon exists – probably best that it exists in a deep cove in the middle of the ocean. But I digress. The point of this…

  • General geekiness,  Movies and Film,  Science Fiction,  Star Trek,  Television

    The 6 most amazing ships in Star trek (that aren’t the Enterprise)

    51 years ago, a “Wagon train to the stars” was launched, and no one – not even Gene Rodenberry himself, had any idea of the life it was going to take. 13 movies, five live action series (err, now it’s six), and even a cartoon….the franchise has certainly been a huge part of our culture. Star Trek has introduced us to characters we love, and even a few that we hate. Star Trek has introduced us to worlds and aliens we would have never met. And of course, the ships! What would Star Trek be without the ships? So many amazing ships too! There’s the Enterprise, the Enterprise A, the…

  • Movies and Film

    Can we please get another Vacation movie?

    Two years ago I walked into a theater – skeptical, yet optimistic. There was a new Vacation movie. I had seen every single Vacation movie multiple times, including Vegas Vacation (Hey! It’s funnier than you remember!). And this one stars one of my favorite actors (Ed Helms). Still – the idea of a new Vacation movie just sat wrong with me. It was a reboot – or so I thought. It was also rehashing the plot of the original, again, or so I thought. Still, my curiosity outweighed my skepticism, so into the theater I went. And I am so glad I did. Despite the reviews, this turned out to…

  • Movies and Film

    The worst movies…….ever

    I’m usually not very harsh when it comes to movies. If I’ve plopped my 10 or 12 bucks down, I’m most likely going to enjoy myself. My degree in English helps – as it arms me with the ability to find subtext where others might not find it. So I often times find significance and enjoyment in films in which others tend to view as a waste of time and energy. Having said that – there are some movies that simply have no redemption as far as I’m concerned. Come join me will you, as I give a big fat raspberry to what I view as the worst of the…

  • Books and Literature,  Movies and Film,  Science Fiction

    Blasting off with Sci-Fi!

    I’ve loved science fiction my entire life. The idea of blasting off into space and landing on a distant planet, or maybe slipping into an alternative dimension where all the apes are purple and all the barnacles are made of gold? Yes please! I was two years old when Star Wars came into theaters, I grew up watching Star Trek re-runs, and even went to see the Black Hole in theaters (quite possibly the first time at a theater where I didn’t fall asleep during the movie).I love Sci-Fi so much that I almost feel like I can claim a deep love for the genre is in my genetics……and while…