About Aaron
What is this blog? What is weird and strange corner of the web? It’s passion and pleasure, and even pain. It’s rants and raves, it’s beauty, art and even ugliness. It’s lies, and it’s truth. aaronjedwards.com is at times, a leakage of my brain to the Internet, and other times, it’s a well thought out essay. But how refined, or unrefined the content of this site may be, aaronjedwards.com is a portrait of who I am.
Aaron Edwards is a 40 something nonprofit professional who lives in Portland, Oregon. In his free time he is an aspiring writer and amateur photographer and spends probably a little too much time on the Internet. He used to have a cat named Schroeder, who was a little too photogenic. Sadly, Schroeder passed away, but recently Aaron adopted a new cat, Lore. It takes every piece of restraint Aaron has to not post photos of Schroder and Lore all over this website. His favorite literary devices are juxtaposition and hyperbole. He loves music, he loves coffee, he loves sunsets. He loves his girlfriend very, very much.